Using the LaserApp/Docusign Integration
Signing Forms with DocuSign
You can follow these steps to electronically send out forms for eSignature. Only forms that have been enabled for eSignature by the Broker/Dealer, National Financial or a product company, can be sent out for eSignature.
- To use DocuSign you must first enter your account credentials.
- To assign a signer to a signature field follow these steps:
- Click the signature field on the form. It looks like this:
- This will open the the following dialog:
- Complete and verify the information in each of the following fields:
- Auto Select List - use the drop down feature of this box to quickly load info for the primary contact and any assigned beneficiaries or related individuals. This is pre-populated with selections based on the contact that is currently loaded in LaserApp Anywhere.
- User Name - enter the full legal name of the signer. This is the name that will be for identity checks and signing purposes.
- User Email - enter the email address of the signer. Notifications to sign will be sent here unless the in person session signing setting is toggled on later.
- Click "Ok" then repeat for all required signature areas on the form. Signature fields should be assigned for every account owner and for each representative.
- At the top of the window click the"Send to DocuSign" button to send the forms to the client for e-Signature. If an error occurs at this step you may need to verify your DocuSign credentials.
- Next, you will see the below DocuSign Accounts window. Fill it out according to the following directtions:
- Accounts - if your DocuSign account has multiple sub-accounts you can toggle the proper one from this box.
- Email Subject - Email subject line is required for recipients receiving confirmation via email.
- Email Body - This is where you enter the main body of the email message going out to all recipients with email confirmations.
- Force Signature Routing Order - if more than one recipient is present this will send confirmation emails from top to bottom in the Recipient List. Recipients will not receive an email from DocuSign until the previous recipient has completed the signing process. Ordering can be changed using the Up and Down buttons.
- Further recipient level options may be set by selecting the recipient's namefrom the ones listed in the Recipient List box and then clicking the Edit button. This will open the DocuSign Recipient dialog. The recipient's name and email will be pre-filled. You will need to indicate your settings for each of the following items.
- Request Attachment - toggle this to prompt the user for an upload file following their signature process.
- In Session Signing - toggle this if the recipient/signer is physically present and ready to sign with the current device/browser. Note: the user will not receive an email notification until signing is complete with this option.
- Access Code - Optionally enter this value and the user will be prompted for it prior to signing. Generally, you will not use this feature. We use client ID validation through Lexis Nexis to ensure the identity of the person signing the documents electronically.
- Note - enter any notes to this specific recipient to display at the beginning of the signing ceremony.
Once you have entered the values you want in all the fields in the DocuSign Recipient window, click on "OK". This will return you to the DocuSign Accounts window.
- If you have multiple Signers, you should select each recipient and set the settings on the DocuSign Recipient window for each Signer. Repeat steps 5a-d until the Recipient details have been completed for each Signer.
- When all the recipient options are set, click Ok in the DocuSign Accounts dialog to send the form(s) to DocuSign for processing.
- You will receive the following message once the DocuSign envelope containing all of the documents have been sent to the client for eSignature.
- Now you wait for each Signer to eSign their documents. Once this is complete, you will receive a notification to sign the documents in the representative signature fields.
- Upon signature by all parties, all parties will receive an email indicating how they can get access to copies of the final documents.
- Once you have received this notification, you can download the documents and attach them to the transaction in the Account Wizard for submission.